The importance of feedback (return of the HexBright)

2012-04-23 23:02:00 -0400

Originally posted on tumblr

I've heard a lot of grumbling about the HexBright Kickstarter which raised $260k/$31k in July 2011, and the developer got trapped doing design improvements - worthy ones, from what I can tell, but there was a severe shortage of communication about the process.

Well, he's finally re-emerged and started posting details of battery tests, lens and end cap samples, etc. Yay! While I'm personally in favor of erring on the side of adding more coolness to the design, it's really worth communicating about it (which may not help convince the people who want the gadgets now but helps keep them from getting too upset with the whole process...) While there aren't formal standards for any of this, I'd like to think it's a Kickstarter Best Practice to communicate extensively once you start the work; see PrintrBot for an extreme example :-)